
Help us to help others

  • We raise money to support our local community.
  • We fund-raise for other charities at home and abroad, and you might want to help too (see Other Causes, below).
  • And we want this beautiful and historic Grade II* Listed building to have our constant care. The ancient fabric needs continuing sensitive but expensive repairs. Recent jobs have included extensive leadwork and roof repairs to the south aisle; new lighting and handrails in the tower; and external stone and flint wall repairs.
    All are gratefully received!

Please help us to maintain our work in the parish – and to maintain the upkeep of our historic church.

Your donation will be much appreciated. Thank you!

Donate online here, securely by credit or debit card:

Other ways to donate

  • By bank transfer; please email our Secretary for our bank account details, or you can use the convenient Gifts form (Word or PDF version) and email that to her. The Gift form includes a simple Gift Aid form which you may also want to complete.
  • Or send a cheque to the Treasurer, c/o 20 Chapel Hill, Lewes BN7 2BB, tel 01273 476 705, cheques payable to “St Thomas a Becket Church”.

Other Causes that you may like to support:

    • Family Support Work helps families in Sussex to overcome difficulties and prevent crises.  Issues include poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse.
    • Join Ride and Stride: get sponsorship to walk or ride (bike, horse, car, electric buggy) to churches across the county. Annually on the second Saturday of September, it’s backed by Sussex Historic Churches. You can visit some of the 600 churches and chapels involved – and explore parts of Sussex you may not normally see.
    • Caring and Sharing  (see opposite, right) “Live more simply that others may simply live” is the motto of this East Sussex charity. We support their project in Olinda, Brazil.
    • Churches Together Lewes donates to local projects and the Food Bank at the Phoenix Centre here in the Cliffe.
    • We also support the Church of England Children’s Society

If you need advice about any of these opportunities please email our Treasurer.


Thank you!

Gift Aid

Gift Aid Logo

If you are a UK taxpayer, you may ‘Gift Aid’ your donation. This increases its value to us by 25% without any additional cost to you.

Simply download our Gift Aid form – choose the editable Word version and then email it to us, or the PDF  version which you can print out, complete by hand, and then either scan and return by email, or post it to the address shown on the form.

Children at 'My Father's House', Belinda, Brazil

Caring & Sharing

Ian and Simea Meldrum are Anglican priests in Olinda, a town on the western coast of Brazil, with a population of about half a million. Simea’s “Church of the Living Waters” ministers to people who live and work around the rubbish tip. It’s so popular that it has been rebuilt and can now hold 450 people.

Work of Ian and Simea Meldrum
The Farm helps boys who live on the streets. Now called the Living Waters Institute, it’s 20 km from Olinda and was originally an 80 acre coconut plantation. The team aims to prevent family breakdowns, reducing the risk to young people of falling into a life of crime. They have youth camps, family camps and monthly prayer vigils. Families come from the tip and spend a weekend living and playing together as a family unit and are taught basic family skills. A Teen Brigade from the church comes out regularly to learn survival skills. There’s support with school work as well as fun such as football. Families have been helped with income and budgeting: a course in cooking and economics for mothers was very successful, with three full classes. Food parcels have also been provided. Latest news is computer courses for beginners – children, teenagers, and mums.