Worship and Services
Sunday Service
We welcome you to the Sunday service at 9.45am with Communion.
We follow the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Readings are from the Authorised Version of the bible (the ‘King James’ bible). And we sing four traditional hymns from the New English Hymnal.
So, come to our small, ancient church – ‘church like it used to be’. Join the many who live in the parish and enjoy the friendly atmosphere and a traditional service that we know and love.
The service is led by Herbert Bennett, our Associate Vicar. In his absence it’s Ben Brown, Rector. On occasions, Peter Shears, Lay Reader, leads Morning Prayer without communion. You are very welcome at any of our services. Afterwards you can enjoy tea and coffee and biscuits in Cliffe Hall right next door.
For our many special events throughout the year, see our What’s On Diary.
February message from our Vicar
Sunday 2nd February celebrated Candlemas, the presentation of Jesus, the Christ child, by Mary and Joseph to the temple and Simeon. This concluded the season of Epiphany, season of light, that light of Christ come among us following his birth at Bethlehem which we celebrated at Christmas.
We are now in the short period of ‘Ordinary Time’ before we begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday March 5th. Within this present time God continues to be our extraordinary loving God who welcomes us into his presence each day with his infinite love.
Also within this period is the festival of St Valentine, on 14th February, martyr at Rome in about 289AD, who encouraged Christians to acknowledge God with his infinite love. Alongside the festival of Valentine is the festival for George Herbert on the 27th February who reminded us that God is with us daily and that we may worship him.
So amid these days and perhaps unsettling times we are to take comfort in the peace of God and his presence with us in our lives.
With every good blessing,
Fr Herbert
The 1662 Book of Common Prayer
We rejoice in the beauty, poetry, majesty, and depth of spirituality of the much-loved 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the 1611 Authorised Version of the Bible.
- The Book of Common Prayer was first introduced by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549. It was finalised under an Act of Uniformity in 1662. It is the founding liturgy of the Anglican church.
- All readings are taken from the King James Bible, the ‘Authorised Version’ published in 1611 under the auspices of King James I.
- Our Sunday morning service includes traditional hymns from the New English Hymnal.
Jeremy, one of our four organists.
The Church of England Year
Here are the highlights of the Church of England year. There are services at St Thomas’ on the days MARKED IN BOLD TYPE. Our other Sunday services, every week at 9.45am, are not included here.
Saturday 6th January: Epiphany, the revelation of the Christ child to the wise men, runs until 27th January.
Friday 2nd February: Presentation of Christ in the Temple.
Wednesday 5th March: Ash Wednesday (the day before Lent begins) when we mark ourselves with the sign of the cross in ash. It prepare us for our Lenten journey until Easter.
Tuesday 25th March: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
PALM SUNDAY, 13th APRIL, 9.45am The start of Holy Week.
MAUNDY THURSDAY, 17th APRIL, 7pm A said service for the institution of the Last Supper – Holy Communion.
GOOD FRIDAY, 18th APRIL, 9am A said service to mark Christ’s crucifixion that led to his resurrection and victory over death and sin, celebrated on Easter Sunday.
Saturday 30th March: Holy Saturday and Easter eve.
EASTER DAY SUNDAY 20th APRIL, 9.45am We celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
Thursday 29th May: Ascension Day, when the risen Jesus returns to the Father in Heaven. (There is a large 17th-century painting of the Ascension in the north aisle.)
WHITSUN SUNDAY, 8th JUNE, 9.45am Whitsun (or Pentecost) marks the coming of the Holy Ghost.
TRINITY SUNDAY, 15th JUNE, 9.45am We celebrate the Trinity of God – Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Then begins the long season of Trinity and Ordinary Time in the church’s year.
ST THOMAS’ DAY, SUNDAY 6th JULY, 9.45am We celebrate this day as our own saint’s day, our Patronal Festival.
Saturday 1st November: All Saints Day. We remember all those men and women in history who by their holy lives have revealed something of God’s glory.
Saturday 1st November: All Souls Day. We remember with thanks all those who have helped us on our journey of faith by their example and their lives.
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, 9th NOVEMBER, 9.45am The national service of remembrance of all those who have served and sacrificed.
END OF TRINITY, SUNDAY 23th NOVEMBER, 9.45am Trinity season finishes, the last Sunday before Advent.
ADVENT BEGINS, SUNDAY 30th NOVEMBER, 9.45am The season when, out of the darkness, God’s redeeming light shines. It brings the promise of the coming Messiah Christ child to be born to Mary at Christmas. Advent Sunday is also the start of a new church year.
See our What’s On page for more information. See also the Church of England’s full Calendar with Principal Feasts and other Principal Holy Days, and Festivals.
Orthodox Worship
We are delighted that the congregation of the Orthodox Parish of the Nativity of Christ also meet and worship in our church. Their parish is part of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in the Eastern Orthodox Church. To find out about their services visit the Orthodox Church website.

The 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Read what the Prayer Book Society says about the Book of Common Prayer