
The church is open every day. From 1st Oct 2024 we open at 8.30am and close at 3pm. Next summer we shall open at 8.30am and close at about 5pm. We welcome you to visit, or to enjoy quiet prayer and contemplation.

Come to enjoy our rich history. Named after Archbishop Thomas Becket, murdered in Canterbury cathedral in 1170 by four knights, Lewes is on the pilgrim route along the South Downs.

St Thomas’ looks and feels more like a medieval church than most of the others in Lewes, though you can’t miss the splendid Victorian stained glass windows. Here are some other highlights:

  • The chancel is probably on the footprint of an 11th or 12th-century Norman chapel.
  • See the little lancet window (north aisle, west end) – Early English in style, around 1180-1250. It’s now blocked, with a painting of St Thomas creeping into his church. The window is probably the earliest fabric.
  • There’s evidence of the screen that separated the clergy in the chancel from the people in the nave: look for the little doorway high up in the north aisle (east end) that gave access to the top of the screen. The doorway is blocked by a painting of ‘vagabond’ warrior bishop St Wilfrid, 634-710, a patron saint of Sussex.
  • The ‘squint’ (south side of the chancel arch), a large and very fine aperture, probably 14th-century, allows a view of the main altar from the south aisle altar.
  • The oak pulpit, dated 1877, bears four pretty paintings in oils: John the Baptist, in his hair coat and with tall staff with cross piece; Christ; Moses; and Elijah.
  • Very special are the royal arms of Queen Elizabeth I, dated 1598, the oldest in Sussex:

The Royal Arms of Queen Elizabeth I

  • Exquisite little World War I memorial (above south aisle altar), in Sussex marble. It commemorates the 47 parish men who gave their lives in the 1914-18 Great War.Erected 1920.
  • Large oil painting (north aisle), probably Flemish 17th-century, ‘very superior’. Depicts Christ’s ascension when he returned to God the Father after his resurrection. A loving gift to the church in 1779 by a London painter and picture dealer, Benjamin Vandergucht (1752 – 1794) when he married Miss Egles, niece of churchwarden Mr Robert Plumer.

Guided tours of the church interior, and climbing the tower to see our ancient clock and belfry

Tours in 2025

Over 100 people enjoyed the 2024 season of tours, now completed. We look forward to offering a new series for summer 2025.

Belfry at St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Our exciting guided tours include:

  • Introduction to church interior.
  • Climb the 57 steps up the spiral stair to the (reputedly) second-oldest turret clock in Sussex. James Looker, a blacksmith of Ditchling, made it in 1670 for £5 10s. He had to keep it going for 3 years – and it’s still going strong.
  • Go on up to the belfry: the lovely and very special oak bellframe dates from around 1400. Not many belfries survive like this, and hardly any that are easily reached by stairs.
  • You’ll see our wonderful four bells – the oldest arrived in 1554 – and hear the big tenor bell strike twelve. Not to be missed!

SAFETY Before you go up the tower, ask yourself “Am I fit and well to go up the stairs?”. Do not take anything up the tower. Leave bags at foot of the stair so both hands are free to grip the newel rope in one hand and handrail in the other. No smoking, vaping, naked lights, ignition materials or combustibles. Be aware of trip hazards and low doorways. Wear stout shoes (not big boots, the steps are small). Rubber-soled shoes are best;  no hobnailed boots that might damage stonework. No loose clothing unless tucked in, no long coats/dresses/scarves etc. Clothes will make contact with dusty walls. Handrail is bare steel: you may wish to use light gloves or disposables. Wear gloves if Covid-vulnerable.