What’s On – upcoming services and events

Sunday Service at St Thomas à Becket

All special events and tours throughout the year are listed here (and always more to come!). NOT listed here is our weekly 9.45am Sunday Service. Festivals in the Church of England Year are on our Worship page.

To ask about adding an event here, email our website editor.

St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Ride or Stride between churches for charity

Saturday 14th September, 9am-5pm
Cycle, run or walk today between as many Sussex churches as you can manage – and raise money for the church of your choice and for the Sussex Historic Churches Trust. Include St Thomas a Becket Church if you like, or go further afield. See the best of our historic churches, have great fun and help us raise money! Call Kate on 07708 014 313 for entry form. Full info at Sussex Historic Churches Trust

Belfry at St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Heritage Open Days church and tower tour

Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September, 11.30am – free guided tours

As part of the national  Heritage Open days this year, we again offer free guided tours of the church interior and tower to see the second-oldest (1670) turret clock in Sussex and hear it strike 12. Then up to the belfry – four lovely bells and a very special oak bellframe dates from around 1400.  Full info and to book.

Belfry at St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Song recital: Beethoven's 'To the distant beloved country'

Saturday 21st September, 6pm, in church

A short vocal recital of Beethoven’s ‘An die ferne Geliebte’ from an early song cycle that is an all-time favourite, sung by Assistant Vicar Herbert Bennett accompanied by organist Susan Bain. Admission free, all are welcome, with retiring collection for the church.

St Thomas church east window

Lewes churches: two illustrated talks

Friday 4th October 7.30-9.30pm

Two colourful illustrated talks in Cliffe Hall. The first talk by Sue Berry brings the Lewes churches to life. She traces their medieval foundation, through Puritan austerity, and into their Victorian revival. Then Peter Varlow presents the rich history and no-so-rich characters of St Thomas a Becket church – and all its hidden gems.

Including wine and soft drinks in the interval.

Tickets: £7 via EventBrite: Book Lewes Churches Talks  Also from stewards before St Thomas 9.45am Sunday services.

Winding hops round a 600-year-old pillar

Harvey's Brewery Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service

Saturday 5th October, in Church, 11am

The church is decorated with Harvey’s hop bines, beautifully and aromatically, for this very popular service which is open to all. Not to miss!


Harvest Supper

Church Harvest Supper, in Cliffe Hall

Sunday 6th October, Cliffe Hall, 6pm

A jolly, friendly, hearty and convivial evening, open to all. Tickets only £7 from Ruth in church or call 07899 723 911 or email ruthypooth@gmail.com

Jam at the Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Saturday 7th December 10am-12.30

Our traditional friendly Fair in the warmth of Cliffe Hall. Lots of stalls – books, tombola, gifts – and lots of home-made food and drink to snack at the Fair (plenty of seating) or to take home.

Christmas decorations

Christmas Carols

Friday 13th December, 6pm

All are welcome to come to sing Christmas carols in Cliffe Hall next door to the church. Ask for a favourite and you’ll probably get it! Free entry,retiring collection.

Christmas Fair at St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Christmas Eve Childrens' Crib Service

Tuesday 24th December, 4pm

A lovely chance to bring your little children to help decorate the crib in preparation for the Nativity. There’s a warm welcome for everyone!

Christmas at St Thomas à Becket, Lewes

Christmas Eve Midnight Holy Communion Service

Tuesday 24th December, 11.30pm

This is our traditional service at which we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s usually a sung service accompanied by one of our loyal band of organists.

Sunday Service at St Thomas à Becket

Christmas Day Service

Wednesday 25th December, 9.45am

Our traditional Sunday service but on a Wednesday! Book of Common Prayer communion service with carols.

Coffee morning

Coffee morning

Wednesday 8th January, 10am-12 noon

In the warmth of Cliffe Hall, come and join our friendly morning gathering for coffee, tea and cakes and a chat. And a bookstall. Proceeds towards the Church’s works.

St Thomas a Becket Church Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

Tuesday 4th March, 6.30pm

In Cliffe Hall, come for pancakes and a warm and friendly welcome – followed by a beetle drive! All good fun! Adults £4, proceeds towards the Church’s works, tickets from Ruth after Sunday service, or call 07899 723911.