What’s On – upcoming services and events

Sunday Service at St Thomas à Becket

All special events and tours throughout the year are listed here (and always more to come!)
NOT listed here is our weekly 9.45am Sunday Service.
Festivals in the Church of England Year are on our Worship page.
To ask about adding an event here, email our website editor.


Lenten talks: Mysticism for Beginners

Thursday 27th March 7-8pm, St Michael’s

Second of four talks on mysticism, the mystics, and why mysticism matters, by the Reverend Ben Brown, with Q & A after each talk.
Two further talks, on 3rd and 10th April. All at St Michael’s, High Street, BN7 1XU
Contact: rectorstanneslewes@gmail.com All are very welcome.


Lenten talks: Mysticism for Beginners

Thursday 3rd and 10th April, 7-8pm, St Michael’s

The final two of four talks on mysticism, the mystics, and why mysticism matters, by the Reverend Ben Brown, with Q & A after each talk.
Both at St Michael’s, High Street, BN7 1XU
Contact: rectorstanneslewes@gmail.com All are very welcome.

Help the parish set nee directions

Annual Parishioners' Meetings

Friday 11th April, 7pm

Help Cliffe set new directions! In Cliffe Hall, our Parishioners Annual Meeting for everyone in Cliffe parish is an opportunity to have your say about how we can support our lovely community. All welcome! It’s followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, open to those on the church’s Electoral Roll. Papers for the meetings will be available in the church during the week before, for those not on the PCC. 

Rosemary arranging the Easter flowers

Maundy Thursday service

Maundy Thursday 17th April, 7pm

A ‘said’ service (shorter and without music). We mark the day when Jesus gave us the act of Holy Communion at The Last Supper, and commanded that we should love one another, and washed the feet of his disciples as an act of kindness.

Rosemary arranging the Easter flowers

Easter Sunday service

Sunday 20th April, 9.45am

We celebrate the Rising of Christ, the most important date in the Christian calendar, at this Sunday sung Eucharist service with hymns and Holy Communion.

Good Friday cross

Good Friday service

Good Friday 18th April, 9am

At this ‘said’ liturgy service we commemorate the crucifixion of Christ at Calvary and the supreme love of God.

St Thomas' Church cream tea

Hi Children - come and build an Easter Garden!

Saturday 19th April, 4pm

Bring your mum and dad – come and help make a model Easter Garden – INDOORS in the Church – at this Holy Saturday children’s Easter Garden service. Sing childrens’ hymns, enjoy short Bible readings, and there are EASTER EGGS and hot-cross buns! No need to book, just come along.

St Thomas' Church cream tea

Afternoon cream tea

Sunday 11th May, 3pm

All welcome for friendly chats and scones and cream and jam and tea.  At Cliffe Hall next door to the church. Please book in advance, price £5. Tickets available in church after Sunday morning service from Ruth, Rosemary or Sally. And donations for the raffle will be very welcome.

Church tower guided tours

Climb the tower, see our ancient clock and bells

Saturday 17th May, 11.30am – guided tour

Tour includes introduction to church interior; climb the spiral stair to the second-oldest (1670) turret clock in Sussex; up to the belfry – lovely and very special oak bellframe dates from around 1400. Not many belfries survive like this, and hardly any that are easily reached by stairs. Hear the big tenor bell strike twelve! Not to be missed – only £5.  Full info and all dates to September.

Church tower guided tours

Climb the tower, see our ancient clock and bells

Saturday 31st May, 11.30am – guided tour

Tour includes introduction to church interior; climb the spiral stair to the second-oldest (1670) turret clock in Sussex; up to the belfry – lovely and very special oak bellframe dates from around 1400. Not many belfries survive like this, and hardly any that are easily reached by stairs. Hear the big tenor bell strike twelve! Not to be missed – only £5.  Full info and all dates to September.

Archbishop Thomas Becket

Our St Thomas' Patronal Festival

Sunday 6th July, 4pm

All are welcome to this special Choral Evensong in church, followed by refreshments and an illustrated history talk in Cliffe Hall for our Patron Saint, Archbishop Thomas Becket.
His shrine was completed 805 years ago, on 7th July 1220, in a new chapel behind the high altar at Canterbury Cathedral, so we are delighted to hold this special service as our Patronal Festival. We are also welcoming members of the Prayer Book Society in East and West Sussex to be with us. No charge for refreshments, retiring collection. 

Summer Fair 2024

Cliffe Summer Fair

Saturday 23rd August, 10am-12.30pm, beside the church

Our annual summer fair, now an amazing 615 years old – we had permission for markets and fairs from King Henry IV in 1409. Come to hear us read the king’s charter and declare the fair open. Lots of tempting stalls – jam (of course), delicious home-made cakes, plants, plants, fruit and veg, great choice of books for grown-ups, jewellery and bric-a-brac. Plenty to try for in raffles and tombola. In the adjacent Cliffe Hall if wet! Donations to  the stalls welcome by 10am please.